2008 Brighter Horizons
Check-in and registration
Waiting for the event to start
Opening Ceremonies: Lee Lieberstein (chair) is at the podium and our speakers are behind her
The speakers: Left picture: Bridget Benson (Communications), Cindy Stewart (Cardiology), Jo Pitesky (Astronomy), Cindy Malone (Genetics), Dawn Canfield (computers)
Right picture: Tanya Posey (Bugs), Cynthia Spears Rainey (Veterinary Medicine), Dorothy Strackbein Koetz (Finance), Michelle Roache (Veterinary Medicine)
Opening ceremonies: Listening intently
Opening Ceremonies: Robert Garber, President of Pierce College, speaks to the attendees - we also appreciate Jim Dawson, a Pierce College Trustee, who gave us a lot of support!
The rap song and our helpers!
Workshops 1: Architecture with Stephanie Ragle
Workshop 3: Bugs with Tanya Posey
Workshop 4: Veterinary Medicine with Cynthia Spears Rainey and Michelle Roache
Workshop 6: Computers with Dawn Canfield
Workshop 9: Cardiology with Cindy Stewart
Workshop 10: Genetics with Cindy Malone
Workshop 11: Astronomy with Jo Pitesky